Who I’m

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Some info for the curious of web.

I am a enthusiast of electronics, my name is Enrico Marinoni and I live in a small town near Como (Italy).
For me is an honor to be Italian and European citizen.

I do the FAE for an Multinational Company that distributes electronic components.
I’m the specialist for STM digital components – MCU, MEMS, PLM, WireLess, etc.

Web sites: www.emcu.it and www.emcu.eu are mine.
These web sites exist because I firmly believe that the world would be better if all of us share our knowledge (in my case HW and SW).
Almost all of the examples, doc, schematics, etc, present in these websites are free but some are only available for customers of the company where I work.
The site does not have an economic purpose and is maintained through donations, banner advertising and sale of manuals created by me.

If someone wants to work with me by writing articles or sharing informations is welcome.
You can email me at this address.
Please don’t ask me to answer fast, I’m working around of Italy (and not only), I must maintain two website, therefore I have a little free time to answer to the email.


More info concerning the Casato dei Marinoni are here (It’s in Italian Language)