Ubuntu is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on Debian.
Ubuntu is officially released in three editions: Desktop, Server, and Core (for internet of things devices and robots).
All the editions can run on the computer alone, or in a virtual machine.
Ubuntu is a popular operating system for cloud computing, with support for OpenStack.
Ubuntu is released every six months, with long-term support (LTS) releases every two years.
The latest release is 19.10 (“Eoan Ermine”), and the most recent long-term support release is 18.04 LTS (“Bionic Beaver”), which is supported until 2023 under public support and until 2028 as a paid option. (From Wikipedia)
Ubuntu è un sistema operativo nato nel 2004.
È prevalentemente composto da software libero proveniente dal ramo unstable di Debian GNU/Linux da cui trae origine, ma contiene anche software proprietario, ed è distribuito liberamente con licenza GNU GPL.
È orientato all’utilizzo sui computer desktop, ma presenta delle varianti per server, tablet, smartphone e dispositivi IoT, ponendo grande attenzione al supporto hardware. (da Wikipedia)