Sub1Ghz SW & FW

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For ICs, and Module are available a lot of FW & SW examples that here are summarized.

SDK for S2-LP (SPIRIT2) module and components is here (STSW-S2LP-DK).
Inside the SDK there are examples, GUI, docs, etc.

SDK for S2-LP (SPIRIT2) module for SigFox mode is here (STSW-S2LP-SFX-DK).
Inside the SDK there are examples, GUI, docs, etc.

SDK for SPIRIT1 module and components is here (STSW-CONNECT009).
Inside the SDK there are examples, GUI, docs, etc.

  • SPSGRF module – available at 868 or at 915 MHz – (Antenna + SPIRIT1)
  • SP1ML module  available at 868 or at 915 MHz – (Antenna + SPIRIT1 + STM32L1 + AT commands)