- Generatore di forme d’onda arbitrarie basato su STM32F303 – Anno Accademico 2015/2016, Antonio Sorrentino
- Sistemi Embedded Teoria e Pratica – Alexjan Carraturo, Andrea Trentini
- List of PDF regarding ADC, TIMER, USART, etc by Corrado Santoro
- Introduction to STM32 MCUs – Corrado Santoro
- The Timers of the STM32 Microcontrollers – Corrado Santoro
- Mastering STM32 – Carmine Noviello
- Introduction to Programming STM32 – John Teel
- Introduction to STM32Cube & Blinking an LED – Basit Ayantunde
- Fastbit Embedded Brain Academy
- STM32 Basic Timer in Interrupt & PWM mode
- How to use 3 channels of the ADC in DMA mode using CUBE-MX and ATOLLIC
- How to interface the rotary encoder to STM32 (CUBE-MX + ATOLLIC)