Hi to all, below you will find some suggestions to perform the emergency mode procedure that renews the command that would otherwise expire after the activation time (one second).
To activate a output do this:
active outputs and next activates them bringing
OUT_ON = 1
To keep them longer than one second, the command must be renewed passing from Normal->Emergency->Normal
then OUT_ON = 1
To switch off after a second just do not renew the command.
To turn off or change the command before the expiry, you need to enter in emergency mode change the commands next go back to normal mode then OUT_ON = 1
Here are some indications for the Emergency Mode Procedure:
// set pin EN_OUT to 1 (this signal comes from MCU towards UDL01)
Write_uC (EN_OUT, 1)
// emy_0 = 0 -> stop toggle at 500 msec emergency mode
Write (0x01, 6, 0)
// emy_1 = 0 -> stop toggle at 500 msec emergency mode
Write (0x01, 7, 0)
// clear any error bits
Write (0x3F, 0, 0xFF)
// HS/LS = 0 -> clear HS / LS configuration internal switches
Write (0x00, 0, 0x0000)
// Ton = 1 sec -> Ton setting at 1 sec
Write (0x02, 0, 0xFFF8)
// CM = 1 A -> current mode setting with 1A limitation
Write (0x04, 0, 0x0000)
SET - OUTPUT (example)
// emy_1 = 1 -> EMERGENCY MODE -> restart toggle to 500 msec
// emergency mode
Write (0x01, 7, 1)
// To activate OUT_1 and OUT_2:
Write (0x00, 0, 0x0180) // active HS outputs 1 and 2
Write (0x01, 1, 1) // OUT_ON = 1
Write (0x01, 7, 0) // emy_1 = 0 -> NORMAL MODE Output ->
// refresh
Write (0x01, 1, 1) // OUT_ON = 1
Enter EMERGENCY MODE every 500 msec:
- If you don’t want to change the outputs: normal/emergency/normal/ (OUT_ON = 1)
- If I want to change the outputs: normal/emergency/change_OutPut/normal/ (OUT_ON = 1)
Write (<address>, <pos>, <value>); // write the <value> in L99UDL01 starting from the <pos> of the <address>
Read (<address>); // Read the register at the <address> of L99UDL01
Write_uC (<pin>, <H / L>); // set <H/L> the <pin> of the MCU that goes to the L99UDL01 input