IoT means: Internet of Things – ( Internet delle Cose )
The idea behind the IoT is to make your life easier by giving us access via SmartPhone, Tablet or PC, to the objects that surround us such as Lights, Appliances, Air Conditioning, but also Cars, Boats, Campers, etc.
To do this the first thing that is necessary is that all these objects have their own IP address (see IPv6) that allows us to reach them even when we are away from home.
Imagine what mean to have access to their Lights, Appliances, Air Conditioning, etc, from remote.
Wherever we are we can control them.
L’idea che c’è dietro l’IoT è di semplificare la vita dandoci l’accesso via SmartPhone, Tablet o PC agli oggetti che ci circondano quali Luci, Elettrodomestici, Climatizzazione, ma anche Auto, Barche, Camper, ecc.
Per fare questo la prima cosa che serve è che tutti questi oggetti abbiano un loro indirizzo IP (vedi IPv6) che ci permetta di raggiungerli anche quando siamo fuori casa.
Immaginate cosa può voler dire avere l’accesso al proprio camper o alle luci di casa o al nostro climatizzatore da remoto. Ovunque ci troviamo li possiamo controllare ma anche comandare.
Up to now there are direct support for a loot of the IoT platforms, below there is the list.
- FP-CLD-AWS1 – IoT node to the Amazon AWS IoT platform
- FP-CLD-AZURE1 – IoT node to the Microsoft Azure IoT platform
- FP-CLD-WATSON1 – IoT node to the IBM Watson IoT platform
- FP-CLD-BLUEMIX1 – IoT node to the IBM Bluemix platform (NRND)
- Here there is a doc, example and tutorial concerning IBM Bluemix (see Hands-On-n2)
Some interesting applications are listed below.
- Wi-Fi, NFC and Sensors board connected to IBM Bluemix is FP-CLD-BLUEMIX1 – see also this link the Hands-On-n2 – For SPWF01Sx module
- Wi-Fi, NFC and Sensors board connected to Microsoft Azure is FP-CLD-AZURE1 – For SPWF01Sx module
- Creating a BTLE star network connected via Wi-Fi to IBM Bluemix cloud is FP-NET-BLESTAR1 – For SPWF01Sx module
- Quickly build a Contiki, 6LoWPAN, BTLE sensor network
– - STM’s BlueCoin – A complete Bluetooth Smart development system in a tiny package
– - BTLE (or BLE) networik connected via WiFi to IBM Bluemix cloud, see here.
- How to use BlueNRG-MS (BTLE v.4.1) & Enocean PTM 215B
- 6LoWPAN wireless sensor network connected to the Internet through WiFi module is here.
– - Sensor Node
BENEFITS- The evaboard is based on SensorTile module
- Bluetooth LE connectivity for easy connection with smartphones
- Sub GHz connectivity for long range communications
- NFC/RFID Dynamic Tag for easy pairing and configurations
- GNSS Receiver IC for location services
- STSAFE-A100 secure element ensuring integrity and confidentiality of data communications
- mbed enabled board with integrated ST-LINK for programming and debugging
- Supporting ARM mbed OS 5 and STM32Cube Ecosystem
The doc is here.
– - Chameleon board
• Eva-Board based on the new WiFi- SPWF04Sx module that directly controls all mounted components
• SubGhz (SPSGRF-868Mhz)
• SD card
• Display
• Sensors (NTC, Photo Resistance, HTS221TR and LIS2DH)
• Relay (bistable and monostable)
• Directly powered 220Vac based on VIPER16HD
• Programming in uPython
For more info see here.