How to update FW via GUI on the BlueNRG, BlueNRG-MS or SPBTLE-RF (BlueNRG-MS module)

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We suppose that you have one of those kits:



Plug the X-Nucleo-xxxxx on top of the NUCLEO-F401RE

We suppose also that you have installed on your PC the:

Unzip the X-CUBE-BLE1 and from the directory:


drag and drop the: Virtual_COM_Port_F401RE.bin
on your NUCLEO-F401RE.

Now run the BlueNRG GUI, see below.

Connect your KIT to GUI by choosing the COM port and if appear the box below press OK

Now select: TOOLSBLUENRG Update

For BlueNRG-MS or SPBTLE-RF from the new window that appera, select:
bluenrg_7_2_c_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K_4M.img in the directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG GUI 2.2.2\Firmware\BlueNRG-MS_stack

See below.

Now press: UPDATE
See below.

At the end of the update, you must see something like below.

If you use a BlueNRG choose: bluenrg_6_4b_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K.img
in the directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG GUI 2.2.2\Firmware\BlueNRG_stack

Your FW on STM BLE, BlueNRG, BlueNRG-MS or SPBTLE-RF (BlueNRG-MS module), is up to date.