Below there is the diagram for interface a CCD DCMI camera to the STM32.

The reference application note is the AN5020.
STM32 MCUs embed a digital camera interface (DCMI), allowing connection to efficient parallel camera modules.
The AN5020 application note gives STM32 users a grasp of basic concepts, with easy-to-understand explanations of the features, architecture and configuration of the DCMI.
It is supported by an extensive set of detailed examples.
The STM32 that support DCMI interface are listed below.
- STM32F2
- STM32F4
- STM32F7
- STM32H7
- STM32L4
For more info read the AN5020.
STM example
- STM32 food recognition
- The examples provided from STM (in the function pack) are food recognition applications.
- They recognize among 18 classes of common food such as pizza, hamburger, and Caesar salad.
- The kit is based on: STM32F4DIS-CAM (use the: OV9655 CMOS sensor connected via DCMI bus to STM32H7) + STM32H747I-DISCO (based on STM32H747XIH6)