Category Archives: STM32

P2P based on SPIRIT1 (X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4) and NUCLEO-L053R8 + SSD1306 I2C Oled Display

This is a new release of the P2P based on SPIRIT1, with the addition of the SSD1306 I2C Oled Display. This P2P sw work exactly as the previous one, for more technical info on P2P see here. For reading more, … Continue reading

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How to use SSD1306 I2C OLED display and NUCLEO-L053R8 board

SSD1306 – I2C Oled Display is available on different internet store, see for example here and here. The Datasheet is here. We developed a simple test program using the NUCLEO-L053R8 and SSD1306. For reading more, click here.

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BlueNRG Mesh

BlueNRG-Mesh is a software solution for connecting multiple BLE (Bluetooth low energy) devices in Mesh networks for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. It enables true two-way communication between Bluetooth-enabled devices in powerful, secure, integrated and range-extending Mesh networks. For reading … Continue reading

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P2P based on SPIRIT1 (X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4) and NUCLEO-L053R8

This example is born to demonstrate the P2P capability using the SPIRIT1 transceiver and the STprotocol. This P2P also manage a ACK communication. For reading more, click here.

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Avnet Silica NB-IoT Sensor Shield

The Avnet Silica NB-IoT Sensor Shield is a Cat M1 and NB-IoT board providing Arduino pinout connectors. The Arduino compatibility provides ultimate flexibility, leveraging on a huge ecosystem of compatible boards. It enables you to choose the microcontroller board that … Continue reading

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STM32 Cube Programmer

STM32 Cube Programmer (STM32CUBEPROG) is an all-in-one multi-OS software tool for programming STM32 microcontrollers. For reading more, click here.

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How to manage two UART (USART2 and USART1) under Interrupt

There are different possibility to use the UART under Interrupt, for instance use PRINTF but this mode use a loot of code or, more efficiency is to use the Call Back. In this example we use the Call Back modality. … Continue reading

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TIM14 PWM output, duty cycle regulated using a potentiometer

This example is an evolution of the: STM32 Basic Timer in Interrupt & PWM mode In this example the duty cycle is regulated using a potentiometer. See the diagram below. All is developed using CUBE-MX and are generated for ATOLLIC. … Continue reading

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STM32 – TCP/IP solution

Up to now there are a lot of solution to implement Ethernet connectivity using STM32 mcu family. Inside the STM32 Library there are examples of the implementation of the Ethernet connection based on LWIP free stack. This my be a … Continue reading

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More than 1 million STM8 & STM32 boards sold

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