Category Archives: STM32

Atollic debug configuration for quick DOWNLOAD and RUN

– Sometimes we need to download the SW and RUN it to quickly for see the result. This tutorial explain how to do this. After you are sure to have a standard debug that working fine, now you are ready … Continue reading

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ATOLLIC new tips and tricks

_ We published a new tips & tricks for ATOLLIC that are: How to create a new project in ATOLLIC – How to share your ATOLLIC project – How to import a .ZIP project in Atollic

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How to use ADC in Interrupt mode

– In electronics, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D) is a system that converts an analog signal, such as a sound picked up by a microphone or light entering a digital camera, into a digital signal. There are several … Continue reading

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TIMER Counter – for example for reading an Input button

– Counting Modes Normally a basic timer counts from zero to a given Period value. General purpose and advanced timers can count in other different ways, as reported in Table below. For reading more, click here.  

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Wireless DoorBell – Based on P2P for SPIRIT1 & NUCLEO-L053R8

– This is a release of DoorBell based on P2P for SPIRIT1. For more technical details see the: P2P based on SPIRIT1 (X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4) and NUCLEO-L053R8 For reading more, click here.

Posted in Spirit1, STM32, STM32L0, Sub1GHz, WireLess & Networking | Comments Off on Wireless DoorBell – Based on P2P for SPIRIT1 & NUCLEO-L053R8

STM solutions for KNX

– KNX is the the worldwide standard for all applications in home and building control, ranging from lighting and shutter control to various security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarming, water control, energy management, smart metering as well as … Continue reading

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P-L496G-CELL01 – 2G/3G Cellular to Cloud Pack with STM32L496AG MCU and Quectel UG96

– The P-L496G-CELL01 STM32 discovery pack for 2G/3G cellular to cloud (STM32-C2C/2G-3G) is a turnkey development platform for cellular and cloud technology based solutions. In this evaboard is used the Quectel UG96. For reading more, click here.

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Change, from Arduino to STM32

– Why change, from Arduino to STM32 ? The answer to the above question is simple, for the computing power and the compatibility with the Arduino connectors. I definitely do not want to convince anyone that it is time to … Continue reading

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PIR sensor based on: NUCLEO-L011K4 + PANASONIC PIR EKMC1603111

This is a simple example that use a PIR sensor (PANASONIC EKMC1603111) connected to the NUCLEO-L011K4 for a future applications in build/home automation. For reading more, click here.

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How to detect an object using the VL53L0X & X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 (evaboard)

The VL53L0X is a new generation Time-of-Flight (ToF) laser-ranging module housed in the smallest package on the market today, providing accurate distance measurement whatever the target reflectances unlike conventional technologies. It can measure absolute distances up to 2m, setting a … Continue reading

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