Category Archives: STM32

STM32 GPIOs interrupt & Atollic

– The GPIOs has 16 interrupt lines. All pins with same number are connected to line with same number. They are multiplexed to one line. Each line can trigger an interrupt on rising, falling or rising_falling edge on signal. For … Continue reading

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The STM HW kit proposed for the IO-Link is: STM32 + L6360 or L6362A For more info click here  

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STM32 – RTC calendar and time for Atollic

This tutorial show how to configure the STM32 RTC for reading Date and Time. This example is based on NUCLEO-L476RG and use the ST-LINK Virtual Com to show on the PC the Date and Time. More info are here.

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How to interface the rotary encoder to STM32 (CUBE-MX + ATOLLIC)

The Key Rotary Encoder are most used encoder for general purpose MCU applications. The generic schematic of this type of encoder is show below. For more info see here.

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KeeLoq application over SPIRIT1 + S2-LP and STM32

– STM has released the examples for interface the KeeLoq to SPIRIT1 & S2-LP & STM32 For more info see here.  

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STM release a lot of example for MEMS, Smartphone application, STM32 also on the GITHUB.COM For more info see here.  

Posted in Algorithms, C - C++, IoT, MEMS, STM32 | Comments Off on STM on GITHUB.COM

ATOLLIC – How to generate .exe – .bin – etc file extension

For more info click here.

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– STM32L4 SMPS new packages for a lower power consumption • Provide the possibility to get a lower power consumption while using current STM32L4 • Possibility to supply externally the voltage core (bypass) • Ordering code is ending with –P … Continue reading

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STM32 Power Shield

– • Get a dynamic ampermeter/oscilloscope for alow price to debug and measure your system • Based on STM32L4 32-bit MCU • Ordering code : X-NUCLEO-LPM01A For more info click here.

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Electric Sliding Gate based on STM32F0-Discovery

– This is a simple electric Sliding Gate based on STM32F0-Discovery, this project was developed using CUBE-MX, ATOLLIC IDE and the HAL libraries. For reading more, click here.

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