Author Archives: wp_2592768

STM32 EURO Marseille 2019

Click here or here to see the video.

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STM32G4 – Cortex M4 series @170 MHz for mixed-signal applications

The official page of the STM32G4 is here. For more info see here.

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ST Partner Program

For more info see here and here.

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STemWIN – graphics demo for STM32F746G-DISCO and ATOLLIC that turn on/off also a LED

This demo is based on STemWIN enclosed in this example. The STemWIN is a free version for STM32 family derived from SEGGER emWIN. This demo is for ATOLLIC v.9.3. When you turn on/off the bulb on the display, also the … Continue reading

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STM32CubeIDE, very easy video tutorial, see here.

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Car Parking Assistant – STM32 + ARDUINO ide

Many of us have a box (garage) where we put the car but, as often happens, we also put so many other things.Because of this, the parking space narrows and it becomes essential to park the car with centimeter precision.For … Continue reading

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STM – KNX bus for building automation system

For more info see here (presentation) and here (dedicate page).

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AVNET Brainium

For more info see here.

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STEVAL-BCN002V1 – Bluetooth LE sensor node development kit, based on BlueNRG-2 (compliant with Bluetooth 5.0)

STEVAL-BCN002V1B is a new evaluation kit developed for give us the possibility to test a new smart applications. The STEVAL-BCN002V1B evaluation kit comprise the: STEVAL-BCN002V1 sensor board and STEVAL-BCN002V1D programming board For more info see here.

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An idea how to show on your smartphone the status of your home burglar alarm

Probably you have a good burglar alarm that is very efficient but that use only a GSM module for send you SMS with the status, the alarm, etc.If you need to know if your burglar alarm is ON or OFF … Continue reading

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