Remote I/O using ARM mbed + NUCLEO_L152RE + AUREL RTX-MID-3V (Sub1GHz module)

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Using mbed for: Transfer the status of the Blue button (present on the ST NUCLEO boards) via wireless (Sub1GHz) using the AUREL RTX-MID-3V.
This SW was tested on NUCLEO-L152RE.
The mbed code for RX is here (remote Relay or LED), for TX is here (remote contact from, for example, a Thermostat).
Here there are the binary files (TX and RX) for NUCLEO-L152RE.

Below tere are the connections between Aurel module (RTX-MID-3V) and the MCU

This release of FW use the mBED SERIAL_TX (D1 – PA2) and SERIAL_RX (D0 – PA3), this pins are SERIAL_2 that are used (under mBED) for send/receive data via USB.
For this reason is necessary to do some modifications on NUCLEO-BOARD.
Suppose to use the NUCLEO-L152RE board is necessary to do:

  • Put a jumper on SB62 and another on SB63
  • Remove a 0 ohm resistor from SB13 and SB14

More info are here.

Below there are the I/O to use to interface the contact from thermostat (TX board) and the remote relay (RX board).

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