Monthly Archives: October 2018

Configure Ultimaker CURA software for use the Creality 3D printer model ENDER 3

After start CURA (my version is: 3.5.1) you must configure a new printer, in our case is the ENDER 3, for do this follow the steps below. Select: SETTINGS → PRINTER → MANAGE PRINTERS, see below. For more info click … Continue reading

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STM32L5 – Excellence in ultra-low-power with more performance – Based on Cortex M33

Security has emerged as one of the 3 key areas that developers of embedded and IoT applications are thriving to improve. The STM32L5 microcontroller series is the solution and provide a new optimal balance between performance, power and security. The … Continue reading

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How to use Android Studio, my first project

– In this tutorial you find the topics shown below. How to use Android Studio Introduction Install Java Test your Java installation Configure the System Environment Variable for Android Studio Install the USB drive for your smartphone or tablet for … Continue reading

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Some Tips & Tricks regarding IP (Internet) Camera

We using different IP Cameras, seems to easy install its but is not true. Normally the first installation work well but if you change your Internet Provider or update the IP camera SW, born a problems ! Also if you … Continue reading

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